Ka tatishtipatakanit (Ethereal)

Nominated for Best Live Short

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Ka tatishtipatakanit (Ethereal)

Directed by Isabelle Kanapé’ - A man spreads rumours about a local elder. To be forgiven, he will be put to the test. Ka tatishtipatakanit (Ethereal) is a poetic lesson about respect.

Ka tatishtipatakanit (Ethereal) is included in the Student Films program and it screens with The Match, God’s Park, Mocum, HELI, SET ŦTE SḰÁL ȽTE, I’m Fine, My Favourite Food is Indian Tacos, my Favourite Drink is Iced Tea and my Favourite Thing is Drumming, Giiwebatoo (Run Home), Kassinu (All), Who Am I, The Lord’s Day, Red Sky, Awaken.