Nathaniel Arcand

WINNER for Best Supporting Actor

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Nathaniel Arcand

As one of Canada's most talented and prolific indigenous actors, Nathaniel Arcand, Plains Cree (Nehiyaw), from the Alexander First Nation Reserve, has amassed many film and television credits over the years. On television, he starred in the series North of 60BlackstoneHeartland, and the television movie The Lone Ranger. His film credits include Cold Pursuit, among others.

Nathaniel won the award for Best Supporting Actor in Shirley Cheechoo's film Johnny Tootall, which screened at the 2005 American Indian Film Festival in San Francisco, and he was also the recipient of the Performing Arts Award at the 2006 Aboriginal Role Models of Alberta Awards. In addition to CBC's mini-series Northern Town, Nathaniel also starred in the APTN Pilot Clean Fight as the lead role of Trevor, a kick boxer struggling with diabetes. Other TV appearances include the Nora Roberts' movie of the week Montana Sky (Lifetime Network), and Showcase's Moose TV (as Clifford). Nathaniel also returns as Scott Cardinal in Heartland (CBC), as Bruce Ward in Arctic Air (2013) (CBC), and as Victor Merasty in APTN's award-winning series Blackstone (2011), Makya "Mack" Begally in Bull (2017) and Derek Swan in Supernatural (2017).

Arcand is an accomplished musician, martial artist, and public speaker who also has a special bond with horses. Born near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, currently Arcand resides in New York.


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